SMB Shares in Pop! OS

By | December 26, 2020

I recently switched from Ubuntu 20.10 to Pop! OS. One of the challenges I had was configuring shared folders I want mapped on my Pop! OS machine. I copied the lines from my previous /etc/fstab file that mounted the shares previously.

  1. Install Samba: sudo apt install samba.
  2. Set SMB pasword: smbpassword -a <Username>

But when I when I ran the command mount -a, I received the following error: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount. helper program.

After a few minutes, I figured it out, I needed to install cifs-utils: apt install cifs-utils

Now when I ran the mount -a command, no errors and the mapped shares now work.

Webcam for Linux

By | December 6, 2020

I found a nice webcam that works well with my Linux desktop. The Adesso CYBERTRACK H4. I was able to connect to a USB port and within seconds able to use the webcam for Teams and Webex without issue (Have not tried Zoom/Ringcentral yet). Cheese worked perfect too. I was able to pick one up at my local Altex location. And at $50, I’d say it was a decent price.

Command not found has crashed

By | November 23, 2020

Noticed recently when I am in the bash shell, if i type a command incorrectly I have been getting an error that is not part of the command I was entering, but one that seems to be from the shell not knowing how to respond to an incorrect command.

Entering a bogus command, “welcome”, I get an odd response.

After doing some searching, I found that this appears to be a permissions issue after upgrading. By entering the following command repaired my issue: sudo chmod ugo+r /var/lib/command-not-found/commands.db*

After running the chmod command, you can see I then ran my bogus, “welcome” command and received the proper response.

All good now!

Pop! OS screen sharing / VNC

By | September 3, 2020

Setting up remote VNC access in Pop! OS is quite easy, but one option I wish they would make is to disable the require-encryption option. Pop! OS uses Vino for VNC access but most other clients do not support the encryption option that Vino uses.

To Configure, go into Settings / Sharing. Enable options as shown below. And, don’t forget to add a password for access.

Now open a terminal shell and run the following command to disable the require encryption: gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false

Now open your VNC client on another machine, and enter the hostname or IP of the PoP! OS machine, and sign in.

Signed in and accessing my Pop! OS laptop.

Mouse wheel is backwards fix

By | August 26, 2020
The Logitech M705 Marathon mouse

My old Logitech mouse finally needed to be replaced. It has lasted me almost 10 years. I just picked up a Logitech M705 wireless marathon mouse from Office Depot for 29 dollars. Just a bit smaller than I care for, but a very nice mouse. Only problem; When I use this mouse on Linux, the mouse wheel scrolling is backwards. To fix, use the xinput command.

From your terminal use the xinput –list to show all devices. I found my mouse as device 12.

Notice id=12 is my Logitech M705 mouse.

Now I run the command xinput –list-props 12 to show me a detailed list of all options for my Logitech mouse. I notice the option I need to change is, “Natural Scrolling Enabled (288)“. It is set at 1, which means enabled. This is what is causing the backwards scrolling.

Natural scrolling option 288 is the culprit.

Now I need to disable Natural Scrolling, and change the value to 0. I run the command: xinput –set-prop 12 288 0. I then run xinput –list-props 12 to see that the setting is disabled (Set at zero).

Natural scrolling is disabled.

Great! Everything is working except for one thing…. If I log out and sign back in, the mouse-wheel is backwards again. To fix, I add a line at the bottom of my ~/.bashrc file that runs the command: xinput –set-prop 12 288 0. Now it works everytime I sign in.

Allow only specific IP ranges for phpMyAdmin

By | August 26, 2020

When you have phpMyAdmin installed, you do not want everyone to have access to the site. You can easily block access by allowing only approved IP’s or IP ranges. Edit the /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf file and add the IP address range to allow using the, “Require ip” line. In the example below, you can see IP ranges and a single IP is being used.