Category Archives: Linux

Webcam for Linux

By | December 6, 2020

I found a nice webcam that works well with my Linux desktop. The Adesso CYBERTRACK H4. I was able to connect to a USB port and within seconds able to use the webcam for Teams and Webex without issue (Have not tried Zoom/Ringcentral yet). Cheese worked perfect too. I was able to pick one up… Read More »

Command not found has crashed

By | November 23, 2020

Noticed recently when I am in the bash shell, if i type a command incorrectly I have been getting an error that is not part of the command I was entering, but one that seems to be from the shell not knowing how to respond to an incorrect command. After doing some searching, I found… Read More »

Pop! OS screen sharing / VNC

By | September 3, 2020

Setting up remote VNC access in Pop! OS is quite easy, but one option I wish they would make is to disable the require-encryption option. Pop! OS uses Vino for VNC access but most other clients do not support the encryption option that Vino uses. To Configure, go into Settings / Sharing. Enable options as… Read More »